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Gretchen Huie

What are you doing now and where?

I am currently teaching at Lake Tahoe Community College in South Lake Tahoe, California.


How did FEM help you to get where you are now, or is helping you in your current position?

The Masters Degree that I obtained at the University of Freiburg has allowed me to teach a variety of college level courses in both California and Nevada.


Any other information you consider relevant or interesting?

Since returning from Germany in 2002, I have worked professionally in the United States environmental field for over 10 years. The knowledge and experience that I gained at the University of Freiburg has been invaluable to my career. All aspects of the FEM have assisted in my career path, including the excellent academic program to the unique international setting that better prepared me for a global world.

Basic Information


Forest Ecology and Management


Master of Science (M.Sc.)

Language of Instruction:



2 years / 4 semesters

Total number of credits:

120 ECTS

accredited by: Acquin-Logo

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