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Self-organized CABI Excursion 2011

Welcome Speech

Welcome Speech  - thumbnail Welcome Speech  - small

Presentation About CABI

Presentation About CABI - thumbnail Presentation About CABI - small

Lunch Break

Lunch Break - thumbnail Lunch Break - small

Introduction to the Field Work

Introduction to the Field Work - thumbnail Introduction to the Field Work - small

Group Picture

Group Picture - thumbnail Group Picture - small


Discussion - thumbnail Discussion - small

Before Leaving

Before Leaving - thumbnail Before Leaving - small

In the fourth event of the self-organized series on potential working fields FEM students visited the swiss branch of the international research organization CABI on July 15, 2011.

Basic Information


Forest Ecology and Management


Master of Science (M.Sc.)

Language of Instruction:



2 years / 4 semesters

Total number of credits:

120 ECTS

accredited by: Acquin-Logo

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