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Freiburg University is one of the oldest in Germany, and brings to the city youth and dynamism.

  • Established in 1457
  • 11 faculties
  • 6 interdisciplinary research facilities
  • 65 different specialization subjects
  • 20.000 students
  • Studium Generale
  • Manifold University sports programs
  • University Culture (Orchestra, Choirs, Film-Club...)


Apart from the recreational value of the town and the surroundings, scholarly diversity attracts many students to the University of Freiburg.

The university consists of the following faculties:

  • Theology
  • Law
  • Economic and Behavioural Sciences
  • Medicine
  • Philology
  • Philosophy
  • Mathematics und Physics
  • Chemistry, Pharmacy und Geological Sciences
  • Biology
  • Forest and Environmental Sciences
  • Applied Sciences


The main university library holds more than two milion books as well as vast multimedia facilities. All students are welcome to join the university sports association. The university plays an important role in the cultural, social and economic life of the town. With roughly 12.000 employees the university is the largest employer in the region.

The university is not the only research institution in Freiburg though. The State College for Music, the University of Education, as well as a Catholic and a Protestant Technical College for Social Pedagogy are also involved in research and teaching. Additionally, there are five research institutes of the Fraunhofer society and two institutes of the Max Planck society, all of which have an outstanding scholarly reputation.

For more informationen please see: www.uni-freiburg.de


Basic Information


Forest Ecology and Management


Master of Science (M.Sc.)

Language of Instruction:



2 years / 4 semesters

Total number of credits:

120 ECTS

accredited by: Acquin-Logo

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