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All teaching modules are divided into blocks with a duration of three weeks. Students earn 5 European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) points upon successful completion of each module. A module usually comprises lectures, practicals, tutorials, preparation, reading, independent learning and assessment. The modules are classified as either core or elective. In total 120 credits are required. Included is an internship of 7 weeks and a master thesis. The following list demonstrates the distribution and the credit point loading of the modules. The annual workload is 1800 hours.
The first core module ’Global Environmental Change‘ is an introductory unit, which also serves the students of another MSc course in Environmental Governance. In the second and third semester, students can take a Special Topic Module instead of a regular elective module. Here, students will undertake individually supervised research projects. The internship (10 ECTS) is scheduled for the summer break between the first and second year of the degree course.
In case studies (5 ECTS equivalent), students working in small groups focus on the analysis of problems in the management of natural resources, such as native forests or plantations, and work towards developing solutions. Students can select between different case studies, however, one of the case studies carried out during the degree will be on the sustainable management of forestry systems.

semester 3&4
master thesis
geographic information systems elective 4 natural hazards and risk management elective 5 forest resources and wood production
poulation and community ecology methods in ecosystem analysis soil ecology and management elective 3 ecosystem management
global environmental changes tree structure and function applied statistics elective 1 managing human environment interactions elective 2

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Schedule 2011 - 2012

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