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Teaching and Learning


All courses are taught in English. For this reason, a very good knowledge of the English language (minimum TOEFL score of 600 points paper based / 250 points computer based test or IELTS-Test Volume 7.0) is an important pre-requisite for the enrolment into the Masters Programme.

An important feature of the modularised course system at the Faculty of Forest and Environmental Sciences is that it permits students and teaching staff to focus on one subject in depth for an extended period of time. This facilitates the active involvement of students in the learning process. The structure and contents of each module are flexible. In most cases courses are taught by more than one lecturer.

The students have also the possibility to conduct guided research on selected topics instead of some elective modules, which provides them with the opportunity to further train their scientific writing skills.

In addition to conveying specialist knowledge, students are trained to handle scientific methods and solve management problems with confidence. The acquisition of key qualifications is supported through a wide range of teaching and learning techniques.

In view of the requirements of the career market, particular emphasis is placed on the acquisition of:

  • Key competences including strong analytical and monitoring skills
  • A sound understanding of ecological systems at multiple scales and their response to environmental changes and management
  • In-depth knowledge of sustainable management systems and the competence to develop and implement them


Basic Information


Forest Ecology and Management


Master of Science (M.Sc.)

Language of Instruction:



2 years / 4 semesters

Total number of credits:

120 ECTS

accredited by: Acquin-Logo

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